Well......it's almost done! My husband is going to do a ledge to the bottom of the window and finish up the trim.......hopefully soon! He's a busy man!!

If you have never done stripes on a wall, I don't recommend doing it! Especially if you don't really care to paint walls! It's kickin' cool though!! I'm glad we did it. Thanks Babe for all your awesome help.
I LOVE THAT!!! I love the colors, the look and everything!!! Wow you are AMAZING!!!!
That looks very comlicated ;-) and like a long process... but it looks great! so pretty.
Absolutley BEAUTIFUL!!! You can already tell she is soooo loved !!Can't wait to see the pictures with Sonja in them, too! Praying for you!
I LOVE it!!!!
WOW!!! This is beyond cool and straight into amazing...and
i love the colors (I had a pink & brown wedding).
I thought you hated painting? This just shows me that you like it...it's great.
THANKS EVERYBODY! It was hard work and took WAAAAYYYY TOOOOO long, but the end result was worth it!
Wyld - Absolutely NOT!! I will not come and do your room! ;) You couldn't pay me a million to come and do it........mmmmmmm well maybe you could! ;)
Chris - I think the reason we can't stand it, because we both are perfectionists when it comes to stuff like this, and it winds up taking us way longer then it should! It's one of those bitter-sweet flaws to have!!
Which is why I don't paint. Cause I feel like that kid hurring up on his school work so he could play...but feel bad because his school work is a mess.
Is that corner actually rounded or does the paint job just make it look like that???
Yes - it really is rounded! We have curved walls running up our stairs and so we thought we would tie that into the basement somehow as well!
Very snazzy!
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