Sunday, July 01, 2007

Heidi, Kim and Crystal? This is for you...

Princess Sonja and her trimmed bangs, so she can see again!! Yeah!!

Nico's haircut! He always wants sideburns and a mo hawk. I'm not ready for the mo hawk, so my hair stylist leaves sprigs of long hair on the sides so that he can have his "sideburns"!!

The outfit that brought tears to my hubby's eyes and I'm wearing for my 20Th!


Alleen said...

woooohooooo - don't you look fab????????????????

They're pretty cute too!

Emily said...

What great pics! Everyone looks great, especially you! You can most deffinately see the weight loss!

Jane said...

you look GREAT!!!!

Hey... I've tagged you as a Rocker!

Heidi said...

I love the pictures- thanks! Sonja's hair is getting so long. The outfit looks great on you. Have fun at your reunion!!

Shannon said...

Lori!!! You look awesome!! Kepp up the GREAT work!!!

The kids, of course, are too cute!

Karen D. said...

You look fabulous! Congratulations! I also love the kids pics!

I am praying for your family. I am a special ed teacher, so I kind of have an idea of what you are going through, except that I have never had to deal with it 24/7.

Love and prayers,

Crystal said...

LORI!!!!!!!!!!--Look at you girl!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You are looking mighty fine --your hubby better hang on to you at your reunion!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ;O)

Your kiddos are adorable too!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I know I say this every time but Nico is sooooo handsome!!!!! Lori he going to be breaking hearts with those eyes and that smile!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And Sonja well she is just gorgeous as always!!!!!!!! Thank you so much for posting pics of their haricuts!!!!!!!!!!!!! :O)

Kim said...

Nico and Sonja are styling as ususal - but look at mama!!! You look great in that outfit!! Good for you - I'm so proud of you and your weight loss!!!

Sarah said...

Sonja and Nico look so Big!!
They are adorable.

You look SOO amazing in your new outfit! The 20 + pounds you've lost really show. You look great! Outstanding job!

Maxine said...

Everybody's lookin' good!! The kids are cute and Lori's cute. And no doubt, Joel's happy.
Have a happy fourth!!

Anonymous said...

You look beautiful!

Soltana said...

GREAT JOB.. you look great!!!! The kids are tooo cute tooo!!! Cerah's hair is in her eyes too... but I just can't bring myself to cut them :( maybe now since Sonja looks soooo cute!!! At least Nico wants a mohawk..Derek is 4 and wants to shve his dad!! Have a great weekend!!!

Praise the Father, Praise the Son!

 Happy Easter 2023! Hope you and your families have been having a good Sunday.  Holidays for me have always been anxiety filled. From having...