Saturday, August 09, 2014


Yea we go! Another so called diet, well this time it is different. This is a diet change, but it is for health reasons and not necessarily weight management. I'm hoping there is a bonus of some weight loss, but I'm not getting up too much hope. I have tried diet gimmick after diet gimmick and none of them have worked. Oh they work for a little while and yes, I've lost maybe 10 lbs. but more then that - no! Very disappointing. I'm trying an all natural approach and hoping the aids that I am taking are actually supplements your body should have every day anyway. I have become a Young Living Essential Oil distributor and use their oils every day for my health. They work very well and I love them! So, I'm going to give their supplements a try. We will see - my expectations aren't too high.

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Praise the Father, Praise the Son!

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