Saturday, November 12, 2005

This week...

This week seems to have gone very quickly. Although all of the weeks lately have gone very fast. It is already the second week of November coming up and I'm still wondering what happened to October. This week has most definately been a roller coaster. I can't say that anything prominent has happened, but there has been several changes. Change is good, but sometimes along with change comes difficult transformation or transition. I am struggling in the area of motherhood, ironically! My son is a loving, compassionate, passionate, challenging human being. I'm sure most of you have that same scenerio with one or more children in your life. I know that I'm not the only challenged parent out there. My husband and I have finally hit a turning point in our parenting, now we need to just follow through and seek the needed advice or counsel that will get us through the transition. We certainly seek God for advice and counsel everyday - He is the only reason we make it through some days, that and knowing that bedtime will be just around the corner! Where we can all get some much needed rest from a challenging day! As far as the adoption, nothing new has been happening - we need to stop procrastinating and get the necessary paperwork done. I have moved the typewriter to a more convenient area of the house in hopes to sit down at it soon to type out the needed paperwork! It will happen - hopefully sooner then later........

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Praise the Father, Praise the Son!

 Happy Easter 2023! Hope you and your families have been having a good Sunday.  Holidays for me have always been anxiety filled. From having...