Wednesday, January 09, 2008

I've been tagged!

Jane-Jane tagged me, here goes...

1. One book that changed your life.

I would have to say The Purpose Driven Life by Rick Warren. It made me look deeper into my faith.

I know it said one, but the other book would have to be Uprising A revolution of the Soul by Erwin Raphael McManus (I even have it signed!)Finding your true purpose and destiny in the pursuit of the passion and character of God.

2. One book that you have read more than once.

Now don't laugh - but it is called The Music Machine by Samuel Wright. It is a fantasy story from Agapeland. Bethany Fellowship published this book out of Minneapolis. A group called Maranatha put this skit or play together and then performed it at various churches. They also produced records from it. The group performed also at our camp that my dad was a Foreman of and I grew up at. I loved when they would come. They had puppets and well dressed actors - it was a lot of fun!! I think I wore out the record that my parents had bought for me. It actually could fall under the "changed my life" category as well. Listening to the music (the story is written around) brought me to my dad with questions and resulted in me asking Jesus into my heart!

3. One book that you would want on a desert island.

Of course, the Bible and maybe a survival guide recipe book!!

4. One book that made you laugh.

Some joke book at my in-laws.

5. One book that Made You Cry.

In the Presence of My enemies by Gracia Burnham. It is a gripping account of the kidnapping of American missionaries and their year of terror in the Philippine jungle.
A Child Called "IT".

6. One book that I wish I had written.

My thoughts and feelings regarding adoption. How my Mother came to her decision, how life was for me as an adopted child and how it was to adopt two children.

7. One book that you wish had never been written.

anything about the big bang theory! God created it ALL!!! (I agree with Jane-Jane!)

8. One Book you are currently reading.

Natural Cures by Kevin Trudeau and my father-in laws, Circle of Life by Don P. Westrum.

9. One book you have been meaning to read.

Peppermint Filled Pinatas by Eric Michael Bryant

Thanks Jane-Jane for tagging! I'm not much of a reader, but I guess I have read more then I thought I have!

Now to who I'm tagging....

and anyone else that wants to play....let me know so I make sure I read you list!

I'm being lazy and only tagging two, sorry Jane-Jane, I have to get my butt movin' out the door and I ran out of time!


Jane said...

thanks for playing along! I'm not a big reader either, but was amazed at my reading list. (my mommy would be so proud of me!)

There were a few on your list that I may add to my want-to-read list. Especially your FIL's book...gotta get that ordered!

Maxine said...

Lori, I love your title on my game! I would pick it, but I'm doing a random drawing. Whatever name my husband draws is the winner, but I do LOVE that title. I never would have thought of it.

Oh boy, I don't know if and when I'll get around to that tag--so much is going on here right now. We'll have to see--I usually stay away from tags, but this one looks interesting. God bless--in a hurry, as usual.

Praise the Father, Praise the Son!

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